Key features of the Lizard® Technology include:
- Unique Field Gradient technology and Lizard® LISS software provides Field Gradient Imaging, Electromagnetic Array, Alternating Current Field Measurement and standard Eddy Current data information from each sensor element in a single scan pass whether site or laboratory based
- Reliable, rapid inspection through either conductive (zinc, flame sprayed aluminium, etc.) or non-conductive (paint, composites, etc.) coatings of structures or piece parts with repeatable results for true defect monitoring with real-time and archived ‘Lift Off’ data information per channel (probe coupling information)
- Inspect, detect, analyse and monitor defects with true length and depth measurement across defect profile without the requirement to re-scan. Size defects at leisure whether on site or at later review stage
- Lizard® LISS software operates under a Windows environment with advanced features utilizing simple software sliders for rapid data manipulation and operator ease
- High Probability of Detection with significantly low False Calls, the inclusion of Classic Eddy Current data per channel provides lower false calls than any other AC Field Measurement system on the market
- LIZARD® probe types can be manufactured as topside or subsea variants (diver or ROV deployed) with omni-directional and pick and place options available
- Dedicated sizing mode for rapid and detailed defect analysis, length and signal depth information is provided from a single scan pass without the requirement to perform physical measurements on site. Size defect data at anytime, anywhere
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